Literatura jurídica

  • Detalles de la literatura jurídica
    • Estado miembro: España
    • Título: Contribution to the process of unification of private law
    • Subtítulo:
    • Tipo: Article
    • URL:
    • Referencia: Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto. Nº. 61. pp 19-22
    • Año de publicación: 2019
    • Palabras clave: european law, comparative law, private law, unification, consumer sales
    • PDF:
  • Artículos de la Directiva
    Consumer Sales and Guarantees Directive, Article 5
  • Nota preliminar

    Contribución al proceso de unificación del Derecho privado

    This monographic issue includes several papers regarding some questions of private law, which are addressed, mainly, from the perspective of European law but also of comparative law. The subjects are diverse and, apparently, without connection, since some address issues related to the new social reality in which we live in, connected to the information society and unfair business practices, whereas others deal with traditional institutions of civil law, such as prescription, which is subject to review. All of them, however, have a common feature, which is the dogmatic and practical interest of the matters dealt with, and their contribution to the unification, understood in the broad sense, of European private law.

  • Nota general
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